Canine Water
Sports & Activities

Pick the Perfect Pet to Fit your Lifestyle!

Research, Resources & Education

It is advised that you always check with your doctor or vet before having you or your pet start an exercise program or change their diet.


This is NOT a skills training website but may give some suggestions on training and equipment needed, or where to find helpful information.


Please do your research, as the rules to each sport may change.

Canine Instict Sports & Activities
& Selection Table

These water sports and activities can be fun, including surfing and dock diving / jumping, or life saving with water works / rescue.

Dog surfing requires you live near a place that has waves, where dock diving is a little more accessable with either a pool or body of water that has something to jump off. 

Water rescue is open to any dog that is a strong swimmer and can pull a human, although this sport is dominated by Portuguese Water dog and Newfoundland.


This is NOT a skills training website, but may give some suggestions or where to find information.


See Videos below for some great content on learning more about the different water sports for you and your canine companion.

ABOUT Canine Sports & Activities

There is a wide variety of canine/human sports to choose from, but there are also many things to consider before making that choice.

  • The first thing to think about is the purpose: fun, exercise or competition?
  • If you already own a dog, you want to find an activity that fits BOTH of you.
  • You may think, well I am just going to get my dog into Flyball, so why worry about me.
    • YOU have to have the patience and skill to teach him.
  • If you are looking to get a puppy and your goals are competition, I have suggested some ‘breed types’ for each activity or sports that are breed specific.
    • For example, you may have a border collie that loves to chase, but the AKC will only allow certain sight hounds to participate in lure coursing.
    • On the other hand, a corgi may not be the best choice for agility, but that doesn’t mean he won’t win.
  • Looking at breed types does not mean they will be sure winners, or even enjoy the sport, but it may give you some insight.
  • As mentioned in the section on Body Types, Purpose & Groups, two things to look at are ‘what the canine was bred to do’ and ‘body type’ (ecto, endo, meso, etc).
    • This is very important when you are picking out a mixed breed puppy, especially if you are not sure what the mix is.
    • If you are picking a puppy at a shelter and you have no history of the parents, spend some time playing with the puppy to see what kind of instincts they have.
    • I had a dog in the past that was an Airedale terrier/lab mix. When we got her, she had very short hair and looked like a lab with short black hair with white patches. After several months, we had a long legged lab with longish/curly/wiry, reddish/black hair, and the personality of a terrier. 
    • My brother had a lab/Rottweiler mix. He has the look of a Rottweiler and the personality of a lab (loves to swim and not a great guard dog).
  • In other words, even when you know the mix, you do not know which side will be more dominant.

This page is split up into several sections, which may or may not include:
• Precautions: There is a general precaution section below and sport specific precautions throughout.
• Sport or Activity
• Training: This is NOT a skills training book/website, but may give some suggestions or where to find information.
• Commands: Common commands on some sport.
• Equipment: Suggested equipment needed for sports.
• References or great books/websites.

  • If you are new to the sport, make sure you and your dog get approval by your individual medical professionals as needed (veterinarian or MD)
  • Make sure you warm up and cool down as appropriate. A nice walk prior to starting will warm up the muscles. 
  • If you are training a puppy, make sure they are 12-18 months old before doing any heavy work, depending on the breed.
  • If you and/or your canine companion are ‘out of shape’, please start slow.
  • Watch the ‘gait pattern’ or the way the dog walks before starting. He should have a smooth gait without limping. If you notice any discrepancies in gait before or after starting your sport, check with your vet to make sure there is no arthritis, hip dysplasia or other physical abnormality.
  • Your dog should know basic commands before trying to teach sport specific commands, such as NO, LEAVE IT, SIT, STAY and COME.
  • Like any sport, on hot humid days, it is best to work in the evening and early morning to avoid overheating. Provide plenty of water for both you and your dog. Be aware that arctic and brachycephalic (short nosed) breeds need to be watched closely in the hot weather. Humans also need to be careful to watch for heat related symptoms as well.
  • Cold weather may be great for arctic type breeds, but humans should dress appropriately, preferably in layers. It is just as important to hydrate properly in winter months.
  • Depending on the type of terrain, dog booties may be needed. This will protect the canines’ paws in cold weather preventing ice from accumulating between the pads. It will also protect their paws on rough terrain.

Although many websites will tell you any dog can participate, please be aware of what the dog was bred to do, especially mixed breeds.


  • See General Precautions.
  • Be sure your dog is working is a body of water that is safe.
    • There should be no obstacles under the water, as well as being deep enough to prevent injury.
    • If you’re diving in a lake, etc, make sure there are no high bacteria levels that can make your dog sick.
  • As with other sports, avoid working in hot, humid weather.
  • Also, never have the dog or yourself in a body of water during a storm.
  • If you are working in colder weather, make sure your dog is thoroughly dried off after, especially older dogs that are more susceptible to pain from arthritis.

Breed type and/or Body type: Mesomorphic. Retrievers, water dogs, and some herding/working dogs do well in this sport.


  • If your dog loves the water and has a good toy drive, this may be the sport for you.
  • This is a sport that does require you have access to a dock with a pool, lake, ocean or any large body of water that is deep/long enough, and has enough distance for the dog to get a running start.
  • Any dog may compete, but this is a one size fits all sport.
    • There are no categories for small dogs, as opposed to larger dogs.
  • This is why you see a lot of water retriever type dogs; although I have seen herding dogs and other breeds compete as well.
  • The dog must be at least 6 months old to compete.
    • Water retrieval is OK for young dogs, but jumping on land should never be done until the dog is 12-18 months old depending on the breed.

There are three main disciplines that you can participate in:
BIG AIR: Measures distance.

  • Measurement is taken where the base of the dogs tail hits the water
  • You are given 90 seconds to complete each jump.
  • You are given two jumps, the best score (or longest distance) of the two is your final score.

SPEED RETRIEVAL: Measures speed – timed event

  • A Flappy (see equipment) is placed at the end of a pool or 38″ from the dock.
  • The dog must stay in a sit/stay position 20′ from the edge of the dock.
  • When the signal is given the dog must jump from the dock and swim to the flappy.
  • When he reaches the Flappy, he must pull and down and then the time will stop.
  • Like Big Air, the dog and handler are given 90 sec to execute the run, and the better of two runs will be your final score.

EXTREME VERTICAL: Measures height

  • The bumper is hung from an extender 8 feet out from the dock.
  • The height starts at 4″6′ or up as high as the dog can jump.
  • The bumper is then moved up in increments as each dog jumps.
  • The dog can start anywhere in front of the 20″ line on the dock and has 60 sec to complete jump.
  • The dog has two chances to complete the jump at each height.
  • The bumper must be either grabbed by the dog or knocked down completely.

If your dog loves all three events, he can enter the IRON MAN competition.



  • First, make sure your dog likes the water.
    • Find a body of water that is shallow enough to run in and out of.
    • Throw a floatable toy into the water first.
    • Never force your dog into the water or start training when the water is ice cold.
    • Some dogs take a little time, while others just don’t like water. You always want to make it fun with positive reinforcements.
  • Gradually increase the distance to encourage him to drive into the water for the toy.
  • Your dog should know the basic commands of SIT, STAY, and RETRIEVE (or whatever word you choose).
  • Put your dog next to you in a sit /stay position, throw the toy into the water to have him retrieve.
  • Introducing the Dock:
    • Sit at the end of the dock with your dog.
    • Drop a toy into the water and see if he goes in after it.
    • If not, encourage him, but do not throw the object into the water for distance yet.
  • At first he may just kind of fall or slide off the dock.
    • He may take to this immediately, or it could take weeks for him to get this.
    • Repeat this several times before starting to throw for distance.
  • Make sure you always praise your dog for doing a good job.
  • When you think he has this down, start throwing out about 6-8 feet.
    • At this point the dog will still be jumping from the edge of the dock.
  • Start backing up when the dog has got the previous step down.
    • Start with 6 feet, 8 feet, etc.
    • Do not keep backing up until he is jumping from the edge of the dock at each distance.
  • Once you have the dog jumping it is time to decide what type of technique you will use for your jumps.
    • Place and Send: The handler first throws the object into the pool.
      • The dog starts at the back of the dock and runs/jumps for an object that is already in the pool.
      • The dog does not need a good stay and the handler does not need an accurate throw, but the dog also does not get much height or distance with this technique.
    • Chase: This is a more popular technique where the dog is in a sit/stay position at the back of the dog.
      • The handler then goes to the front of the dock, releases the dog and throws the object out into the water when the dog is about 4-5 feet from the edge.
      • The dog gets more height and distance, but the handler MUST have a good throw and the dog must stay in a sit position until released.
  • If you and your dog find that this is the sport for you, check out the clubs in your area to advance your techniques. Dock Dogs


  • Floatable Toys: Any toy that your dog loves that will float on water.
    • If possible, use hunting dummies or bumpers, as they are easy to see.
  • Flappy: A type of bumper used in speed retrieval events.
  • Body of Water and Dock

Breed type and/or Body type: Any dog that loves the sport. Caution with some bull breeds to use a life vest, as they ‘sink’.


Most of the information is from Surf Dog Ricochet 


  • Precautions:
    See General Precautions and Precautions above in addition to following:
  • Make sure your dog has a life vest and has practiced wearing it before getting into the water.
  • Consider at wet suit for you and your dog if you are in cooler climates.


Surfing???? Yes surfing.

  • If your dog loves the water, has a lot of energy and takes to the board, why not.
  • There are even competitions with fairly simple rules.
  • Each canine or canine team is given ten minutes to catch a wave.
  • The contestants are judged based on their confidence, ability to stay on the board and length of ride.
  • Of course, this sport does require you have access to a beach.

TRAINING – Here are some basics, but for step-by-step instructions visit Surf Dog Ricochet at

  • Just as in dock diving, never force you dog into the water. Some dogs take awhile to get accustomed to salt water, especially if they are used to rivers, lakes or pools.
  • When he is used to the water, introduce him to Small waves first to not overwhelm him. Every time you introduce something, make it fun. If he backs off from the waves, you need to back off as well.
  • Once you know your dog is comfortable with water it is time to introduce the board.
  • There are different techniques, but personally, I would introduce the board to him at home. Let him stand on the board and explore. You can also feed your dog on the board, and make it a positive experience for him. Put the bowls on the back of the board to reinforce the correct position.
  • Some dogs can jump on a board in the ocean and surf the first time they try. Others use the surf board as a diving board, and jump off when the board starts to move. Others are a little freaked out by the movement of the board, and it takes them a little longer to get the hang of it. Still others are just used to going to the beach to play ball, and aren’t quite sure what this new game is all about. See for some great training tips.
  • At the beginning you can use treats to lure him on the board, but this is only temporary. Do not force the dog on the board.
  • Dogs can surf in either a sitting, standing or lying position.
  • Once your dog is eager to get on the board, you can start introducing a “stay” or “wait” cue. You want your dog to stay on the board even if you aren’t near. Because once you push your dog off into a wave, he/she’s on their own. You want them to stay on the board, not jump off and swim back to you. When your dog is doing well with the “stay” or “wait”… begin taking steps backwards so you put distance between yourself and the dog. Walk back to the dog to treat on the board. When your dog is comfortable and stays on the board when you step back a couple feet, build upon that until you’re able to walk completely around the board. At first you may only get a few steps, but as you progress you’ll be able to run around the board while your dog stays on it!’
    Surf Dog Ricochet .   Use a release word when you want the dog to get off of the board.
  • Introduce distractions that he would find on a beach while practicing.
  • Use pillows underneath the board to introduce an unstable surface. This is also a great exercise for core stability that the dog will need in surfing, especially if he surfs standing. You can move the board in several directions and increase the size of the object underneath as he gets used to it, but always make this a positive experience.
  • Now it is time to hit the water (not literally). Try taking your dog into a small kiddies pool and encourage him to get on the board. This will give him the feel for the water.
  • Next introduce the dog to a lake or calm body of water, very shallow. If he gets on, you can pull him out a little deeper. If he seems to enjoy this, it is time for you to join a club to teach your dog how to surf.
    If you and your dog find that this is the sport for you, check out the clubs in your area to advance your techniques.


  • Surf Board: Foam boards work best. 6 foot for smaller dogs and 8 foot for larger.
  • Life Jacket: Make sure it fits well, as you will be using it a lot to lift him onto the boat.
  • Wet Suit: (if needed) Yes, they do make wet suits for dogs for practicing in cooler climates/water.
  • Body of Water with Waves.

Breed type and/or Body type: Any dog that is a strong swimmer and can pull a human, although this sport is dominated by Portuguese Water dog and Newfoundland.



  • See General Precautions and Precautions above in addition to following:
  • Dog MUST be a strong swimmer.
  • Make sure YOU can swim, as you will be in the water at times swimming with your dog.
  • This is not a book on skill training, so if you are planning on doing SEARCH and RESCUE, make sure you have the appropriate contacts and training before attempting this on your own.
  • Keep a harness/leash nearby in case the dog gets too tired while swimming or gets caught in some debris, so YOU can rescue HIM.
  • Make sure your dog has a life vest if necessary and has practiced wearing it before getting into the water.
  • Consider at wet suit for you and your dog if you are in cooler climates. In some cases this may be too constricting, so again check with organizations first.
  • Your dog must not only like the water and be comfortable on a boat, but also have the ability to perform the tasks given, as well as be willing to do this on command.
    • He will need to have the instinct to retrieve and also be a strong swimmer.
  • Water rescue is dominated by working dogs, such as the Newfoundland and Portuguese water dog, but any dog with the physical ability and willingness can participate.
  • Water works takes a lot of patience, time, and knowledge from the owner as well.

Before starting, here is an excerpt from the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America’s Water Trial Manual so you can see what this might include. This manual will also give you plenty of information on the rules of these trials.


Exercise and Time Allowed

  • Junior Water Dog (JWD): Retrieve Dummy from Shore – 1 minute; Board Boat and Ride with Handler – 30 seconds, 30 seconds; Call Dog from Shore to Boat – 2 minutes; Measured Swim with Handler – 2 minutes
  • Apprentice Water Dog: (AWD) Underwater Retrieve – 1 minute; Retrieve Dummy from Shore – 2 minutes; Dummy Carry, Boat Ride and Recall – 30 seconds, 60’ boat ride – 30 seconds; Retrieve Floating Line from Shore – 2 minutes; Measured Time and Distance Swim with Handler – 20 seconds, 2 minutes
  • Working Water Dog (WWD): Gear Bag Retrieve – 1 minute; Retrieve Dummy from Boat – 2 minutes; Retrieve Overboard Articles – 3 minutes; Retrieve Dummy between Two Boats – 1 minute; Blind Retrieve Of Floating Line from Boat – 2 minutes
  • Courier Water Dog (CWD): Courier Pouch Exchange – 2 minutes; Blind Retrieve Of Floating Line: Boat to Shore – 3 minutes; Directed Double Retrieve From Boat – 3 minutes; Retrieve Fishing Net – 3 minutes; Buoy Ball Placement – 3 minutes
  • Courier Water Dog Excellent (CWDX): Dog and handler will qualify two more times at the Courier Water Dog level.

TRAINING – Here are some basics to start you out.

  • Follow the first few steps of dock diving.
    • This will help you see if your dog likes to retrieve in the water.
    • As mentioned previously, just because you have a Newfoundland, this does not necessarily mean he likes the water.
  • As the majority of water works consists of retrieval as well, working on this on land is the first step.
    • Have your dog retrieve article of all shapes and sizes.
  • Then you can continue in the water.
      • According to the Newfoundland Club of America, the junior division exercises are fundamental. The first one, basic control, takes place on dry land. The dog’s willingness and ability to perform its owner’s bidding are tested with heeling, a recall, and a down stay. The five remaining exercises are performed in the water and consist of retrieving a bumper, retrieving a life jacket or cushion, delivering a rope to a swimming steward, towing a boat, and swimming calmly with a handler. Accomplishing all six tasks results in a Water Dog title, issued by the NCA.
      • In the senior division, the dog must retrieve two articles in the proper order, leap from a boat to fetch a paddle, discriminate between three swimmers and then carry a life ring to the one in distress, retrieve underwater, carry a line from shore to a steward in a boat and then tow that boat to shore, and leap from a boat to save its handler, who has “fallen” overboard. A dog that passes these six exercises adds the title of Water Rescue Dog to its name. Newfoundland Club of America,

As with most sports, make sure your dog knows the basic commands to start, and then focus on the ‘fetch’, ‘release’, ‘bring back’ and stay/release. Recall is very important in water rescue.

  • Once you know your dog is comfortable with water retrieval, have him start retrieving from a dock (see Dock Diving above).
    • Eventually have him retrieve from a boat as well (see Kayak/Canoe under Outdoor Activity section).
  • Practice in all types of environments like lakes, marshes, ocean and rivers.
  • When your dog is comfortable in the water, start encouraging him to put his head under and retrieve articles under the water.
  • For personal rescue, talk to the clubs in your area.
    • Do not attempt to teach your dog without guidance, as you could inadvertently teach him to rescue every swimmer passing by.
    • He must recognize the different between ‘swimming’ and ‘sinking’.
    • If you and your dog find that this is the sport for you, check out the clubs in your area to advance your techniques.

EQUIPMENT – Water rescue clubs can give you exact lists of equipment, but here are some examples.

  • Boat / Body of water
  • Life Jacket: This may need to be used when first practicing.
    • Make sure it fits well, as you may need to use it to lift him onto the boat.
  • Objects to retrieve: Depending on the stage of training, this could include buoys, paddles, life vest, bumper, cushions, rope for towing boat, and eventually a mannequin for rescue.

Dock Diving

Dixie Dock Dogs – Dock Diving –

Dock Dogs Northern Stars – Dock Dogs 101 –

North America Diving Dogs – Dock Diving –

American Kennel Club – Diving Dogs 101: How to Compete in Dock Diving Step-By-Step –


Surf Dog Ricochet –  Teach your Dog to Surf

Wikipedia – Dog Surfing –

Water Rescue

Portuguese Water Dog Club of America – Water Trial Manual 2010 (2022 update) –

Newfoundland Club of America – Search & Rescue


YouTube Videos that help explain training examples of different water sports and activities.


This is for research only and Lost Temple Pets does not endorse any video presented on this website.


It is advised that you ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR VETERINARIAN to make sure your canine companion is in healthy and fit for the chosen sport, especially when training a puppy or older dog.


It is also recommended to join a club or seek advice from a trainer that specializes in that particular sport.


SEARCH for Activity (such as Dock Diving), Canine Breed or Size of Dog. 


SEARCH for Sport/Activity, such as Dock Diving or Section, such as Water Sports