Companion Pet Guides
Pick the Perfect Pet to Fit your Lifestyle!
Research, Resources & Education
Our objective is to serve as a platform for education, through extensive research and a wide range of links to resources. We strive to provide comprehensive and accurate information, and we understand that like humans, animals too are unique individuals. Therefore, it is essential to acknowledge that the information we provide is general and may not apply to every animal of a particular breed or species.

Red-Eyed Tree Frog, Toads, Dart Frogs, Mantella, Axoloti, Horned Frog, Salamanders & Newts

Canary, Doves, Lory, Lorikeet, Parrots, Parakeet, Finches, Lovebird, Cockatial, Conure, Cockatoo

Many breeds including bengal, siamese, bombay,, devon rex, maine coon, manx, persian, cymric, oriental

Many breeds including plott hound, cane corso, samoyed, dalmation, skye terrier, bulldog, spaniel, akita

Snakes such as Boas, Garter, Hog-nosed, Milk, Python, Garter, Milk, Rat, King, Green, Corn, Gopher

Rabbits, Mice, Rats, Hamsters, Gerbils, Chinchilla, Guinea pig, Degus. Sugar glider, Ferret, Hedgehog
Pet | Subject | Company / Link |
Pet | Subject | Company / Link |
Amphibians | General Information | New England Herpetology Society – NEHS |
Amphibians | Care Sheets | PETCO |
Amphibians | Care Sheets | Reptastic |
Amphibians | Care Sheets | Western New York Herpetology Society |
Birds | General Information | Birds N Ways |
Birds | Care Sheets | PETCO |
Cats | General Information | American Cat Fanciers Association |
Cats | General Information | Animal Planet |
Cats | General Information | Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) |
Cats | General Information | Iams |