Canine Protection

Pick the Perfect Pet to Fit your Lifestyle!

Research, Resources & Education

It is advised that you always check with your doctor or vet before having you or your pet start an exercise program or change their diet.


This is NOT a skills training website but may give some suggestions on training and equipment needed, or where to find helpful information.


Please do your research, as the rules to each sport may change.

Table of Contents

Canine Protection Sports
& Selection Table

There are many different protection sports that differ slightly.  Although similar in theory, the training in actual police or protection work should only be done by a professional for guidance. 

Sports include Schutzhund / IPO and several ring sports like French, Belgian & Mondio. 

Breed type and/or Body type: Working dogs, to include breeds like the German Shepherd, Malinois , Giant Schnauzer, Black Russian Terrier, Tervuren, Beauceron, & Doberman Pincher.


This is NOT a skills training website, but may give some suggestions or where to find information.


See Videos below for some great content on learning more about the different protection sports & activities for you and your canine companion.

ABOUT Canine Sports & Activities

There is a wide variety of canine/human sports to choose from, but there are also many things to consider before making that choice.

  • The first thing to think about is the purpose: fun, exercise or competition?
  • If you already own a dog, you want to find an activity that fits BOTH of you.
  • You may think, well I am just going to get my dog into Flyball, so why worry about me.
    • YOU have to have the patience and skill to teach him.
  • If you are looking to get a puppy and your goals are competition, I have suggested some ‘breed types’ for each activity or sports that are breed specific.
    • For example, you may have a border collie that loves to chase, but the AKC will only allow certain sight hounds to participate in lure coursing.
    • On the other hand, a corgi may not be the best choice for agility, but that doesn’t mean he won’t win.
  • Looking at breed types does not mean they will be sure winners, or even enjoy the sport, but it may give you some insight.
  • As mentioned in the section on Body Types, Purpose & Groups, two things to look at are ‘what the canine was bred to do’ and ‘body type’ (ecto, endo, meso, etc).
    • This is very important when you are picking out a mixed breed puppy, especially if you are not sure what the mix is.
    • If you are picking a puppy at a shelter and you have no history of the parents, spend some time playing with the puppy to see what kind of instincts they have.
    • I had a dog in the past that was an Airedale terrier/lab mix. When we got her, she had very short hair and looked like a lab with short black hair with white patches. After several months, we had a long legged lab with longish/curly/wiry, reddish/black hair, and the personality of a terrier. 
    • My brother had a lab/Rottweiler mix. He has the look of a Rottweiler and the personality of a lab (loves to swim and not a great guard dog).
  • In other words, even when you know the mix, you do not know which side will be more dominant.

This page is split up into several sections, which may or may not include:
• Precautions: There is a general precaution section below and sport specific precautions throughout.
• Sport or Activity
• Training: This is NOT a skills training book/website, but may give some suggestions or where to find information.
• Commands: Common commands on some sport.
• Equipment: Suggested equipment needed for sports.
• References or great books/websites.

  • If you are new to the sport, make sure you and your dog get approval by your individual medical professionals as needed (veterinarian or MD)
  • Make sure you warm up and cool down as appropriate. A nice walk prior to starting will warm up the muscles. 
  • If you are training a puppy, make sure they are 12-18 months old before doing any heavy work, depending on the breed.
  • If you and/or your canine companion are ‘out of shape’, please start slow.
  • Watch the ‘gait pattern’ or the way the dog walks before starting. He should have a smooth gait without limping. If you notice any discrepancies in gait before or after starting your sport, check with your vet to make sure there is no arthritis, hip dysplasia or other physical abnormality.
  • Your dog should know basic commands before trying to teach sport specific commands, such as NO, LEAVE IT, SIT, STAY and COME.
  • Like any sport, on hot humid days, it is best to work in the evening and early morning to avoid overheating. Provide plenty of water for both you and your dog. Be aware that arctic and brachycephalic (short nosed) breeds need to be watched closely in the hot weather. Humans also need to be careful to watch for heat related symptoms as well.
  • Cold weather may be great for arctic type breeds, but humans should dress appropriately, preferably in layers. It is just as important to hydrate properly in winter months.
  • Depending on the type of terrain, dog booties may be needed. This will protect the canines’ paws in cold weather preventing ice from accumulating between the pads. It will also protect their paws on rough terrain.

Although many websites will tell you any dog can participate, please be aware of what the dog was bred to do, especially mixed breeds.


  • See General Precautions.
  • Due to the nature of the sport, keep an eye on the jaw, mouth and neck for injuries.
  • If you are training your dog, you must also be in shape physically, as well as mentally.

Breed type and/or Body type: Working dogs, to include breeds like the German Shepherd, Malinois, Giant Schnauzer, Black Russian Terrier, Tervuren, Beauceron, Doberman Pincher.


  • In German, Schutzhund means ‘protection dog’, although this sport involves much more than this.
  • Although any size dog can compete, the dog must be large enough to jump a 40 inch hurdle, for example.
  • Unlike agility trials the equipment is not adjusted per size of the dog.
  • This is why you will see larger breeds, such as the German shepherd and Giant Schnauzer.
  • The dog must also pass “a temperament test called a B or BH (Begleithundprüfung, which translates as “traffic-sure companion dog test”).
  • The B tests basic obedience and sureness around strange people, strange dogs, traffic, and loud noises.
  • A dog that exhibits excessive fear, distractibility, or aggression cannot pass the B and so cannot go on to Schutzhund’. Wikipedia: Schutzhund.
  • There are three titles: Sch H I (novice); Sch H II (intermittent) ; Sch H III (Master).
  • A properly trained Schutzhund dog will also make a great family pet as well.
  • Although any dog can participate, make sure your dog has the following traits: Trainable, intelligent, strong bond to handler, protective instinct (not aggressive), courageous, and a strong desire to work.
  • This is not a sport for an aggressive dog or one that does not obey commands.
    • Unless you are hiring a handler, you must also be willing to be patient, consistent with commands and dedicated to the sport.

TRAINING PHASES: (This is a sport where you really need to join a club for proper training, but these are the phases). Here is a website that may help:

Mittelwest German Shepherds 
Heel – Fuss (fooss)
Sit – Sitz (siitz)
Stay – Bleib (bly’b)
Down – Platz
Come/Here – Hier (hee er)
Stand – Steh (shtay)
Retrieve/Fetch Bring (brrring)
Jump – Hopp
Go Out – Voraus (for owss)
Track – Such (tsuuk)
Guard Pass – auf/Wache
Bite – Packen/Fass
Out/Let Go – Aus (owss)
Speak/Bark – Gib Laut (geblout)
Narcotics/Dope – Rauschgift
Find narcotics – Such Rauschgift
Building/Blind – Search Voran/Revier
Kennel/Crate – Zwinger/Box
Go Outside – Geh Raus/Geh Draussen
Go Ahead – Geh Voraus
Go Inside – Geh rein (gay rine)
What is going on? – Was ist los?
Good (praise) – So ist brav
Correction Word “No” – Pfui (fooey) Nein (nine)
Don’t do that! – Lass das sein
OK- In Ordnung
Eat food – Nimm Futter
Helper Stand Still – Bleiben Ruhig/Steht Noch
Article Search – Such Verloren
Leave it – Lass es




  • PROTECTION: You will need a sturdy harness for you to hold onto.
    • Make sure the harness disperses the pressure across the chest instead of the neck. P
    • adding will help for extra comfort.
    • I also suggest a strong D ring for the leash.
  • TRACKING: A Bottcher harness is made to keep the dogs head down.
    • If this is not a problem with your dog, there are many multipurpose harnesses you can use.

Fur Saver Collar:
Although this is a type of ‘choke collar’, it is usually not used for that purpose, as the leash is usually attached to the D ring.

  • In competition, regular collars are not allowed.
  • These can be made from several metals, but if your dog is light colored or has any skin allergies, stainless steel is your best bet.


  • Standard leash and a 33 foot tracking line.

Tug Toys / Dumbbells (different weights).

  • These are good training tools.
  • For example, your dog will need to carry different weighted dumbbells over a ramp, and retrieve on flat ground.

Bite Sleeves, Ramp, etc.

  • These are some of the items you may need when you get past the initial training of the sport.


Breed type and/or Body type: Working dogs, to include breeds like the German Shepherd, Malinois , Giant Schnauzer, Black Russian Terrier, Tervuren, Beauceron, Doberman Pincher.


  • French Ring is another protection that differs a little from Schutzhund.
  • In F.R. the decoy must wear a bite suit, as the dog is allowed to attack anywhere on the body.
  • The exercises are random and not broken up as in Schutzhund, and there is no tracking portion.
  • To participate in French Ring Sport, a dog must first pass the Certificat de Sociabilité et d’Aptitude à l’Utilisation (Certificate of Sociability and Aptitude for Work) temperament test.
  • There are three levels which include Brevet, Ring I, Ring II and Ring III. Each introduces progressively more difficult situations and makes greater demands from the dog.
  • The trial is divided into three sections: Jumps, Breaking in exercises, and Protection’.
  • The jumps come first, followed by obedience and then protection.
  • For more information look up the North American Ring Association NARA 
  • Like the above sport, any dog can participate (see Schutzhund above), but Malinois tend to do well in this sport over German Shepherds because there is a lot more agility and speed in F.R.


This is a sport where you really need to join a club for proper training, but here are some of the events the dog should be able to do when reaching Ring III .
• Heel on a leash
• Heel with muzzle
• Long sit/down
• Food refusal
• High Jump
• Palisade
• Long Jump
• Thrown Retrieves
• Unseen Retrieve
• Seen Retrieve
• Send Away
• Face Attack
• Fleeing Attack
• Defense of Handler
• Attack with Gun
• Search, Hold, and Bark with Escort
• Stopped Attack
• Guard of Object


EQUIPMENT for Ring Sports – See Schutzhund (Do not need tracking gear)

Bite Suit


Here are a few websites for more information:

Dantero Malinois

All American K9 Training
North American Ring Association NARA

Breed type and/or Body type: Working dogs, to include breeds like the German Shepherd, Malinois, Giant Schnauzer, Black Russian Terrier, Tervuren, Beauceron, Doberman Pincher.


  • This is a protection ring sport that tests coordination and precision.
  • Although like all ring sports, any breed can join, it is dominated again by the Malinois.
  • As with French Ring Sport, this sport has more hurdles and jumps than Schutzhund.
  • There are three sections: Obedience, Jumps, and Protection.

TRAINING:  This is a sport where you really need to join a club for proper training, but here is a website that shows the rules of Philippine Mondio 

US Mondio Ring Association

Breed type and/or Body type: Working dogs, to include breeds like the German Shepherd, Malinois, Giant Schnauzer, Black Russian Terrier, Tervuren, Beauceron, Doberman Pincher


  • Like the Mondio Ring, Belgian Ring has three sections that include obedience, jumping (bursting) and Protection (bite work).
  • Also like the other sports, any dog that is able to participate physically and mentally are able to compete, although this sport is also dominated by the Malinois.

TRAINING: (This is a sport where you really need to join a club for proper training. Here is a website that may help:



Dantero Malinois – Differences Between French Ring and Schutzhund – 

Schutzhund / IPO

Schutzhund Training. com –

Schutzhund Life – Schutzhund 101

United Schutzhund Club of America– Schutzhund Training –

Ring Sports

Ring Sport – All American K-9 –

North American Ring Association

Leeburg – What is Mondioring –

United States Mondio Ring Association (USMRA) – Mondio Ring –

VIDEOS: Ring Sports, Schutzhund/IPO &
Protection Sports (PSA)

YouTube Videos that help explain training examples of different Protection Sports and Activities you and your dog can do together such as Ring Sports, Schutzhund/IPO & Protection Sports (PSA).


This is for research only and Lost Temple Pets does not endorse any video presented on this website.


It is advised that you ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR VETERINARIAN to make sure your canine companion is in healthy and fit for the chosen sport, especially when training a puppy or older dog.


It is also recommended to join a club or seek advice from a trainer that specializes in that particular sport.


SEARCH for Activity (such as Protection), Canine Breed or Size of Dog. 

BreedSizeGuard DogObediencePolice / MilitaryProtection SportsWatch Dog
AffenpinscherExtra SmallWatch Dog
Afghan HoundLargeWatch Dog
Airedale TerrierMediumGuard DogObediencePolice / MilitaryProtection SportsWatch Dog
Akita (American)LargeGuard DogPolice / MilitaryWatch Dog
Alaskan MalamuteLargeGuard Dog
American Eskimo, Toy and StandardSmallWatch Dog
American FoxhoundLarge
American Pitt Bull TerrierMediumGuard DogObedienceProtection SportsWatch Dog
American Staffordshire TerrierMediumGuard DogObedienceProtection SportsWatch Dog
American Water SpanielMediumGuard DogObedienceWatch Dog
Anatolian Shepherd DogExtra LargeGuard DogWatch Dog
Australian Cattle DogMediumGuard DogObedienceWatch Dog
Australian Shepherd MediumWatch Dog
Australian TerrierSmallWatch Dog
BasenjiSmallWatch Dog
Basset HoundMediumWatch Dog
BeagleSmallWatch Dog
Bearded CollieMediumObedienceWatch Dog
BeauceronLargeGuard DogObediencePolice / MilitaryProtection SportsWatch Dog
Bedlington TerrierSmallWatch Dog
Belgian GroenendaelLargeGuard DogObediencePolice / MilitaryProtection SportsWatch Dog
Belgian MalinoisLargeGuard DogObediencePolice / MilitaryProtection SportsWatch Dog
Belgian TervurenLargeGuard DogObediencePolice / MilitaryProtection SportsWatch Dog
Bernese Mountain DogLargeGuard DogObedienceWatch Dog
Bichon Frise’SmallObedienceWatch Dog
Black and Tan CoonhoundLargeWatch Dog
Black Russian TerrierLargeGuard DogObediencePolice / MilitaryProtection SportsWatch Dog
BloodhoundLargeWatch Dog
BoerboelExtra LargeGuard DogPolice / MilitaryWatch Dog
Border CollieMediumObedienceWatch Dog
Border TerrierSmallObedienceWatch Dog
Boston TerrierSmallWatch Dog
Bouvier des FlandresLargeGuard DogObediencePolice / MilitaryProtection SportsWatch Dog
BoxerLargeGuard DogObediencePolice / MilitaryProtection SportsWatch Dog
BriardLargeGuard DogPolice / MilitaryWatch Dog
Brussels GriffonExtra SmallWatch Dog
Bull TerrierMediumObedienceWatch Dog
Bull Terrier, MiniatureSmallObedienceWatch Dog
Bulldog, EnglishMediumObedienceWatch Dog
BullmastiffLargeGuard DogPolice / MilitaryWatch Dog
Cairn TerrierSmallObedienceWatch Dog
Canaan DogMediumGuard DogObedienceWatch Dog
Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff)Extra LargeGuard DogPolice / MilitaryProtection SportsWatch Dog
Caucasian ShepherdExtra LargeGuard DogWatch Dog
Cavalier King Charles SpanielSmallObedience
Chesapeake Bay Retriever LargeGuard DogObedienceWatch Dog
ChihuahuaExtra SmallWatch Dog
Chinese Shar-PeiMediumWatch Dog
Chinese Crested Small
Chow ChowMediumGuard DogWatch Dog
Clumber SpanielMedium
Cocker Spaniel (American)SmallWatch Dog
Collie, Rough / Smooth CoatLargeGuard DogObedienceWatch Dog
Curly Coated RetrieverLargeGuard DogWatch Dog
DachshundSmallWatch Dog
DalmationMediumWatch Dog
Dandie Dinmont TerrierSmallWatch Dog
Doberman PinscherLargeGuard DogObediencePolice / MilitaryProtection SportsWatch Dog
Dogo ArgentinoExtra LargeGuard DogWatch Dog
Dogue de BordeauxLargeGuard DogPolice / MilitaryWatch Dog
English Cocker Spaniel MediumWatch Dog
English FoxhoundLargeWatch Dog
English SetterLargeWatch Dog
English Springer Spaniel MediumObedienceWatch Dog
English Toy Spaniel AKA King Charles Spaniel SmallWatch Dog
Field SpanielMediumWatch Dog
Finnish SpitzSmallGuard DogObedienceWatch Dog
Flat-Coated RetrieverLargeObedience
Fox Terrier, SmoothSmallWatch Dog
Fox Terrier, ToyExtra SmallWatch Dog
Fox Terrier, WireSmallWatch Dog
French BulldogSmallWatch Dog
German PinscherMediumGuard Dog0bedienceWatch Dog
German ShepherdLargeGuard DogObediencePolice / MilitaryProtection SportsWatch Dog
German Shorthaired PointerLargeObedience
German Wirehaired PointerLargeObedienceWatch Dog
Glen of Imaal TerrierMediumGuard DogWatch Dog
Golden RetrieverLargeObedienceWatch Dog
Gordon SetterLargeGuard DogWatch Dog
Great DaneExtra LargeGuard DogPolice / MilitaryWatch Dog
Great PyreneesExtra LargeGuard DogWatch Dog
Greater Swiss Mountain DogLargeGuard DogWatch Dog
GreyhoundLargeObedienceWatch Dog
HarrierMediumObedienceWatch Dog
Havanese SmallObedienceWatch Dog
Ibizan HoundMedium
Irish SetterLargeWatch Dog
Irish TerrierSmallGuard DogPolice / MilitaryWatch Dog
Irish Water SpanielMediumObedienceWatch Dog
Irish WolfhoundExtra LargeGuard Dog
Italian GreyhoundExtra SmallWatch Dog
Japanese ChinExtra SmallWatch Dog
KeeshondMediumGuard DogWatch Dog
Kerry Blue TerrierMediumGuard DogObediencePoliceWatch Dog
KomondorLargeGuard DogPoliceWatch Dog
KuvaszLargeGuard DogPoliceWatch Dog
Labrador Retriever LargeWatch Dog
Lakeland TerrierSmallWatch Dog
Lhasa ApsoSmallWatch Dog
LowchenSmallObedienceWatch Dog
MalteseExtra SmallObedienceWatch Dog
Manchester Terrier ToyExtra SmallWatch Dog
Manchester Terrier, StandardSmallWatch Dog
Mastiff (English)Extra LargeGuard DogPolice / MilitaryWatch Dog
Miniature PincherExtra SmallObedienceWatch Dog
Neapolitan MastiffExtra LargeGuard DogWatch Dog
NewfoundlandExtra LargeGuard DogObedienceWatch Dog
Norfolk TerrierExtra SmallWatch Dog
Norwegian BuhundMediumObedienceWatch Dog
Norwegian ElkhoundMediumGuard DogWatch Dog
Norwich TerrierExtra SmallWatch Dog
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling RetrieverMediumObedienceWatch Dog
Old English SheepdogLargeObedienceWatch Dog
OtterhoundLargeWatch Dog
PapillonExtra SmallObedienceWatch Dog
Parsons Russell TerrierSmallObedienceWatch Dog
PekingeseExtra SmallWatch Dog
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen (PBGV)MediumObedience
Pharaoh HoundMediumObedienceWatch Dog
Plott HoundMediumGuard DogWatch Dog
Polish Lowland SheepdogMediumObedienceWatch Dog
PomeranianExtra SmallWatch Dog
Poodle, MiniatureSmallObedienceWatch Dog
Poodle, StandardLargeGuard DogObedienceWatch Dog
Poodle, ToyExtra SmallObedienceWatch Dog
Portuguese Water DogMediumGuard DogObedienceWatch Dog
PugSmallObedienceWatch Dog
PuliMediumGuard DogObediencePoliceWatch Dog
Pyrenean ShepherdSmallObedienceWatch Dog
Rhodesian RidgebackLargeWatch Dog
RottweilerLargeGuard DogObediencePolice / MilitaryProtection SportsWatch Dog
SalukiMediumWatch Dog
SamoyedMediumWatch Dog
SchipperkeSmallGuard DogObedienceWatch Dog
Schnauzer, MiniatureSmallGuard DogObedienceWatch Dog
Schnauzer, GiantLargeGuard DogObediencePolice / MilitaryProtection SportsWatch Dog
Scottish DeerhoundLarge
Scottish TerrierSmallWatch Dog
Sealyham TerrierSmallWatch Dog
Shetland Sheepdog SmallObedienceWatch Dog
Shiba InuSmallGuard DogWatch Dog
Shih TzuExtra SmallWatch Dog
Siberian HuskyMedium
Silky TerrierExtra SmallWatch Dog
Skye TerrierSmallWatch Dog
Soft-Coated Wheaten TerrierMediumGuard DogWatch Dog
Spinone ItalianoLargeObedienceWatch Dog
St. BernardExtra LargeWatch Dog
Staffordshire Bull TerrierMediumObediencePolice / MilitaryWatch Dog
Standard SchnauzerMediumGuard DogWatch Dog
Sussex SpanielMediumWatch Dog
Swedish VallhundSmallWatch Dog
Tibetan MastiffExtra LargeGuard DogWatch Dog
Tibetan SpanielExtra SmallObedienceWatch Dog
Tibetan TerrierSmallObedienceWatch Dog
VizslaMediumObedienceWatch Dog
WeimaranerLargeGuard DogPoliceWatch Dog
Welsh Corgi, Cardigan SmallGuard DogObedienceWatch Dog
Welsh Corgi, PembrokeSmallGuard DogObedienceWatch Dog
Welsh Springer SpanielMediumWatch Dog
Welsh TerrierSmallWatch Dog
West Highland White TerrierSmallWatch Dog
WhippetSmallWatch Dog
Wirehaired Pointing GriffonLargeWatch Dog
Yorkshire TerrierExtra SmallObedienceWatch Dog


SEARCH for Sport/Activity, such as Guard Dog or Section, such as Protection

Sport / ActivitySectionTitleCompany / Link
AgilityPopular SportsAgility: Get StartedAmerican Kennel Club (AKC)
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AgilityPopular SportsPeak Performance - Coaching The Canine Athlete (Book, Amazon).Zink, C (2004)
AgilityPopular SportsJumping A to ZZink, C (2005)
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BoatingOutdoor Sports How to Go Boating and Kayaking With DogsAmerican Kennel Club (AKC)
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CampingOutdoor Sports Camping With Dogs: How to PrepareAmerican Kennel Club (AKC)
CampingOutdoor Sports The Ultimate Guide to Camping with your DogKOA
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CanicrossDog & HumanSki Spot Run (Book, Amazon)Haakenstad and Thompson
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